How a Time Auction Volunteer is making Hong Kong a more equal place

Making an impact, one volunteer project at a time.

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Meet Jamie, CSR Manager and Volunteer Board Governance Consultant

Through Time Auction, volunteers like Jamie Zhan is helping refugees amplify their voice, one volunteer project at a time. As a student and practitioner of facilitation, she uses her facilitation skills to support a human-rights nonprofit on board governance. Hear Jamie's story:

"It's addictive and I want to do more!"

By day, Jamie's full time job is a CSR Manager at a financial institution. Outside of her profession, she grows vegetables in her farm, learns her facilitation skills from her teacher in Singapore, and volunteers her time whenever she can. How does she find the time?

"This volunteer experience is worth it. I don’t think it’s consuming my energy, but it’s an opportunity to develop a new skill."

At Time Auction, Jamie found a way to grow her positive impact exponentially. Rather than just picking up a few pieces of litter here and there (which is admirable work, too!), Jamie uses their skills to support nonprofits who are doing that work on a larger scale. In doing so, Jamie helps underrepresented communities such as refugees, ethnic minority and more, amplify their voice and hence making Hong Kong a more equal place.

Want to volunteer like Jamie does?

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