How a Time Auction Volunteer is helping youngsters find their calling

Making an impact, one volunteer project at a time.

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Meet Ringo, Marketing Consultant and Volunteer Student Mentor

Through Time Auction, volunteers like Ringo Fai is volunteering his skills to help students find their calling. 

As a Marketing Professional for more than 15 years, Ringo uses his business skills and career insights to support an educational non-profit, mentoring students on their start-up projects. Hear Ringo's story: 

"I’ve worked with many commercial brands, and I see the impact marketing can make. I feel so fulfilled to bring this type of impact to NGOs as well."

As Head of Strategy for an international advertising agency, Ringo solves problems for commercial brands and consumers. But through his volunteering with non-profits, he's also helping to change people's behavior and the society for the better.

"By not just limiting myself to commercial clients, I learn a lot about the society and its needs from NGOs."

At Time Auction, Ringo found a way to grow his positive impact exponentially. Rather than picking up trash here and there (which is important work, too!), Ringo uses his skills to support non-profits who are doing that work on a larger scale. In addition to mentoring students, Ringo also volunteers his marketing skills to advise non-profits on their marketing strategy. In doing so, Ringo helps many more beneficiaries by helping these non-profits grow.

Want to volunteer like Ringo does?

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